Unjustified Holly Jihad Against The Most Peaceful & Stable Muslim Nation In The Horn Af Africa


One of the most interesting occurrences emerging from the conflict in Las Anod is that Somali forces that were trained, equipped, and in combat prepared by the United States, Turkey, and Qatar to fight Al-Shabaab are now openly fighting side-by-side with Al-Shabaab terrorist militants against Somaliland armed forces.

Extremist militants from Puntland, Central-South of Somalia, and the Somali Region in Ethiopia increasingly flocking into Las Anod are falsely claiming that they are on a Holly Jihad against people who are not real Somalis but of direct descent from Jews (Isaaqs). The extremists also consider the majority of Somaliland people and their government as not true Muslims and therefore the fight against those infidels is permitted on religious grounds.


While Somaliland is constantly determined to safeguard and comply with all diplomatic protocols and security agreements with Ethiopia, including guaranteeing cross-border security issues; it is utterly regrettable that a conspiracy conference against Somaliland’s existence has been openly held within Ethiopian territory.

This conference has been hosted in Jijiga and was massively attended by all the hate and envy-filled hostile opponents of Somaliland such as Diaspora activists, tribal leaders, militant extremists, and former war criminals turned into civilians all hostile to Somaliland.
It is now beyond any doubt clear that the kick-off of the armed violence currently taking place in Las Anod has started in Jigjiga.


The joint project of terrorist groups have one common goal in mind: they want to resume and conclude the second phase of their barbaric “Final Solution & Genocidal Project” against the #ISAAQ PEOPLE from the point where the brutal regime of dictator Siyad Barre had left it in the years 1988, 89 and 90.

If Las Anod becomes a safe haven and a launching ground for terrorist groups (Al Shabaab, ISIS & Al Qaida) they certainly expand their terroristic agenda not only deeper into Somaliland, but also into Ethiopia, Djibouti, and the wider East Africa region.
Somalilanders’ patriotic instinct, their unyielding spirit of bravery and resilience is a true reflection of who they are as a nation.

Throughout history, this characteristic resilience has been demonstrated not only in the battle fronts but also in peace-building and sustaining the nation’s stability in an unpredictable and volatile region of the Horn of Africa.

Nevertheless, the spirit of bravery and resilience of Somaliland people will ultimately prevail!!




Written by: Hussein Adan Igeh (Deyr)