Unhinged Khadar is running naked, his godfather, Farmaajo, being defeated and Nabar iyo naxdin failed.


Biography of Khader Guuleed the spearhead of Somaliland destruction squad in Mogadisho and the most loyal pawn in villa Wardhiigley.

For past four years Guuleed tried every possible way to destabilize Somaliland, khadar Guleed never spared time and material to undo Somaliland socially and economically.

Sources close World Bank and UNDP told Guuleed diverted projected 80 million dollars from international community donors allocated for Development under special arrangement to be put under his disposal with help of notorious Farmaajo regime minister of planning Jamaal to choke Somaliland.

This project started under patronage of Guuleed by hiring plenty of henchmen from Caaqils, Politician, Sultans, and disgruntled former Somaliland government employees all the way to delusional so called Boqors and CBB.

Since 1991 when Somaliland departed from regrettable doomed union many Somalilanders Mainly so called politicians and zealots took refuge in embattling Mogadishu city of Somalia for different reasons mainly personal interest and f CV embellishment i.e. Somalia Minister, MP or ambassador.

Many Somalilanders who fled to Mogadishu and held namesake positions were not so hostile to Somaliand other than khadar Guleed.

Guuleed engaged sabotage and subversive activity against Somaliland people never seen.

Abdirahman Beyle who was finance manager Of Farmaajo was low profile and never raised his head to harm Somaliland at any time.

Guuleed colluded his handlers trying to infiltrate into Somaliland youth, musicians social media CBB bloopers offering handsome payments, unfortunately all these ill intended activities went in vein because of Somaliland public awareness and cohesion of Somaliland communities at that time.

Today Khadar Guleed on June 2023, unmasked his ugly face on regrettable Laascaanood conflict barraging embattled BIXI administration not for Somaliland wellbeing, but tribal score settling and personal vendetta against Bixi administration.

All in All, Somaliland is aware of him.

Cali Waraabe

Social Affairs Writer.