Somaliland President Demands Emergency Appeal for Drought Affected Area in the country


Hargeisa (SLpost)- President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud of Somaliland has issued an emergency Appeal for Drought Affected Areas in Somaliland Regions especially western regions of Awdal, Selal and Gabiley.

The president urged the Government Organizations, UN Agencies, International Humanitarian Organizations and Local NGOs and Somaliland people as whole, to take actions urgently in order to save the lives in the drought affected areas in the country.

A Press release concerning this appeal was issued by the speaker of the Presidential palace that reads as this:-

“As predicted earlier in the year, the Gu’ rains have been generally below normal and uneven in 2012. While some parts of the country received good rains, they were patchy in others, and there are zones where it did not rain at all. The areas most affected by the poor Gu rains are the coastal stretches of Awdal, Salal, Saahil and Sanaag regions where rains missed for three consecutive years.

The reports we have received from local administrations, the public, humanitarian organizations and ministries indicate a dire situation in the drought affected areas, where there are critical shortages of both food and water.

There is clear evidence that most of the livestock that could not migrate have been already lost, the people are suffering from severe malnutrition, and that many of them have become destitute and are congregating to nearby villages and towns such as Lughaya, Garbo dadar, Gargaara, Waraqa dhigta, Alihaydh, Eel la helay, Fadhi hun, Eelgaal, Fiqi aadan, Geerisa, Bulahaar, Hagal, Berbera, Beeyo dhaadheer, Raarida buur, Laasdhuure, and others in the eastern coast towards Huluul.

It is estimated that up to 20,000 households have been affected. These people require emergency assistance in food, water, medical care and shelter. If we do not respond and attend to their needs immediately, we might be lose many of them, particularly the most vulnerable, the young and the old, to starvation and dehydration. Day time temperatures in the coastal areas exceed 40°C this time of the year.

Hence, we appeal to the international community: the UN agencies, and international NGOs; our local NGOs and public at large to take action urgently in order to save lives in the drought affected areas. We are confident that together we will rise to the challenge and meet our obligations.”