Somaliland among countries supporting Taiwan’s Inclusion in the Global Police Agency, INTERPOL


The Taiwanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Friday expressed gratitude to the multiple countries who support Taiwan’s inclusion in Interpol.

Somaliland republic includes 11 countries that showed their support of Taiwan’s inclusion in Interpol, the global police agency.

At this year’s Interpol meeting, which was held in Turkey from Nov. 23-25, 11 countries backed Taiwan’s participation in the global police agency. They all affirmed Taiwan’s substantial contributions to fighting transnational crime and responding to global security challenges, according to a MOFA press release.

Those who spoke up for Taiwan included U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary for Asia and the Pacific Rick Waters, Dutch Foreign Minister Ben Knapen, and Deputy Foreign Minister of Somaliland Abdinasir Omer Jama. Additionally, a total of 630 politicians from 35 countries have voiced support for Taiwan’s inclusion in the organization, MOFA said.

The ministry pointed out that 71 U.S. representatives penned a letter to U.S. President Joe Biden requesting him to take specific measures to assist Taiwan’s accession to Interpol.

MOFA said the global police agency should “find suitable ways” to allow Taiwan to participate in all relevant meetings and activities. Interpol should also allow Taiwan to access the I-24/7 global police communication system, Stolen and Lost Travel Document database, and others to guarantee there are no gaps in the global security network, the ministry added.

Source: Taiwan News