Mohamed AliThe Somaliland Intellectuals have starved Somaliland from their expertise and International Influence. The Awdal Intellectuals are some of those who are up to now hesitant to come forward to support Somaliland and play a greater role in building the Country.  At same time, these are people who most of the times complain the imbalance of the Government and the political institutions. These are the people who so far have not defined what they are benefiting from supporting the policy of the southern people.  There are also people from Somaliland who have higher positions in the Somali Government. These later people got that share on the expenses of their home country and brethrens.

Professor Samatar would be one of the rare commodities from Somaliland whose support of Somaliland would bear fruits.  Samatar could be a game changer if his coming back to his roots is sincere. Being Samatar of yesterday, his home coming is shrouded with mystery. His real motive is yet to be determined. However, coming back to his home is a brake through and it is a departure from his beliefs and policies about Somalia. His mission and motives are not yet clear but the truth will unfold when Samatar starts lecturing Somaliland Universities’ students and when they ask questions about where his stand is about Somaliland Independence.

Hopefully Professor’s visit would be the beginning of a long awaited return of Somaliland Intellectuals, especially those who are away with unfounded anger and with self-interest.  Complaining without coming to the table and running around the world is a waste of energy and money and lost intellect.  The benefit of supporting Somaliand is far greater than supporting uncertain agendas in the south.  Those who support the policy of southerners are like a mule among horses in the field. This means that they will always be the under dogs. It would have been better for them to advocate for Somaliland having half of Government and political Institutions of Somalia as long as the south and north are two competing countries. That is what it would have been from the beginning.

Samatar’s home coming is either a bargaining strategy or a genuine and lasting peace of heart and mind. Samatar was humiliated in Mogadisho by those people who do not know his background and heritage.  Because of the international communities and the southerners’ wish that Somaliland would one day come into the fold, Mr. Samatar would like to show those southerners that he has come from people and a country and this in turn put him in a bargaining position. May be, Mr. Samatar has come back for good. Time will tell. Whatever the reason of his home coming, there is no doubt he is A BIG FISH FROM THE OCEAN.


Mohammed Ali Muuse (Canada)