President Bihi departs to United Arab Emirates


The President of the Republic of Somaliland HE Muse Bihi Abdi has today departed an official visit to United Arab Emirates after receiving special invitation from the Arabian Peninsula government.


The President is accompanied by Ministers of Energy, Religion, Industry and Tourism will be guests for the senior leadership of Dubia Emirate and their trip will take a few days.

Madaxweyne Biixi Imaaraadka UAE (1)

The Presidential Speaker has briefed the media on the purpose of the president’s trip. “The trip of the President is based on the strengthening of the traditional ties between the United Arab Emirates and the Republic of Somaliland in political and commercial ties, and to develop large-scale development activities.” Said by the speaker.


This is the second time President Bihi has visited to the United Arab Emirates since he took office in December 2017, after receiving official invitation from the UAE government.


UAE in the largest investor country in Somaliland, after dubia-owned port operator, DP World, has agreed to invest Berbera Port with the government of Somaliland.

Also, United Arab Emirates has agreed with the government to have military base in Berbera Airport.