Late Abdillahi Qarshe was founder, pioneer and father of Somali music, poet, nationalist, singer, composer, musicians


Normally, history books are divisible into two classes: the books of the hours, and the books of all time. Late Abdillahi history is the books which remains reading at all times and never lasting. The events that we experienced daily made a compact with the way we think normally. two days ago, while listening our old traditional music. The late Abdullahi Qarshe has came into sight and his early sons had inspired me emotionally and this influenced me to write an about this great man..Histories is a collection of stories that occurred in the past and the word history contain two definition namely the event that took place in the ground and the people who take part for the subject event. Normally people are either one of two categories namely those who make history and those who read history.

The late Abdillahi Qarshe was one of the few personalities who shaped history in view of his multiple qualities that sourced him to the most liked personality in Somali music industry and the arts of Somali songs. He stands the very first front line for the Somali arts of music. Prior to elaborate the quality of Abdullahi Qarshe, let write a brief about his originality or background. Late Abdullahi was born in Tanzania town of Moshi in 1942. Abdillahi own family originates from Somaliland region Sannnag, the most attractive tourist locality in Somaliland which its capital city is Eragabo.

Earth and sky, woods and fields, lakes and rivers, the mountain and the sea, are excellent schoolmasters, and teach some of us more than we can ever learn from books. A mountain is composed of tiny grains of earth. The ocean is made up of tiny drops of water. Even so, life is but an endless series of little details, actions, speeches, and thoughts and the consequences whether good or bad of even the least of them are far-reaching. Over every mountain there is a path, although it may not be seen from the valley. All the birds have flown up and gone; A lonely cloud floats leisurely by.

We never tire of looking the mountain in view of its attractive which pleases our spirits. The birds over around the mountain and water running near us like lake is another attraction which pleases our hearts and minds. Only the eyes that seen the beauty can describe its beauty.

While still experiencing in his young age, late Abdillahi had gone to Yemen in particular Aden to pursue his education until he completed his primary education. Thereafter, he joined the music art industry in particular the Indian and Arab and even for the western cinema industry in Yemen which on those days very new to the Somali culture and traditions, as Somalis basically originates from rural tradition.  Abdillahi use to memorize the Arabic and Hindi sons and sing these songs and that soured popularity in Aden. The winds of independence made an impact with him; he decided to go o his original place Somaliland in an effort to take part for the liberation movements and furthermore to develop the Somali music art in which was on those days new to the Somali people.

When he returned home, there, he met and joined with two first generation artists for the Somali music namely Ali Abdi Feiruz and Mohamed Nahari. These three persons had erected the pillars of Somali music art. On his return to the procreate  which on those under British colonial administration, late Abdillahi formed the first ever somali band known as Walaalo Hargeisa in 1955 which means in English Britishers of Hargeisa or Hargeisa as both express same meaning. Abdillahi use to sing nationalist sons which influenced people to revolt against the British colonial administration.

Late Abdillahi was a person of multiple qualities, as he Abdillahi was song writer, singer, composer, and musician and additionally, Abdillahi use to play all of music instruments such guitar, piano and Oud in addition his work with regard theatrical management, as he was the bridge that connects the famous Somali band known as wabari. In 1969, Abdillahi revolutionised the art of Somali music and trained many Somali musicians.This qualifies Abdillahi to nicknamed the icon of Somali music art.

Late Abdillahi was a role model for the Somali music and it is complex and difficult to find replacement for the role that late Abdillahi use to occupy. Abdillahi and his associates  Ali Abdi Feiruz and Mohamed Nahari use to sing with Somali traditional music (Qaraame music) which is still stands the best likely music among the Somali speaking society and it is certain that had anyone has the opportunity to listen or watch the Qaraame music played by Xudayde or Omar dhuule will make sources serious an impact in view of the art of the music which is running and stands unchallenged. Music can change the world because it can change people. Music expresses that which cannot be put into words and that which cannot remain silent. Music is our sole friend when we are alone and never makes you that you are alone at any time. When did hear music from ears, but we hear music from every pore of our body as it penetrates part of our body.

According to my understanding, late Abdillahi was one of best composer of Somali music art at all times. Composer is someone who writes a music piece for the songs and composer makes sure that the music suits for the sons. Great composer is marked by a great total output, and what makes an output great is not a handful of exquisitely turned masterpieces, but compendiousness. Great composers soar above the normal requirement to have a β€œpersonal voice”, that thing we so prize in all the arts. Traditional music songs and their tunes which have been performed by custom over several decades still stand remains unbreakable record. Traditional music, which I mean Qaraame is something that is constantly evolving. Traditional music is used in a huge amount of pleasure and it is passed from generation to generation, like a valuable antique item. Usually antique items being rare, its value sometimes 100 times if not 1000 times higher in value in contrast with new item of a same specification.

Late Abdillahi was a charismatic quality person and becoming charismatic involves paying careful attention to how you interact with other people; the traits that make up charisma are positive and appealing to others. The charismatic quality person uses their skills to get people on their side, perhaps from a professional, ideological point of view. These people are charismatic and successful, due often to their charisma, but there are also many β€˜ordinary’ people who possess a charismatic personality. Abdillahi use to have extra than the rest the rest of the people and that is what sourced him to be so popular among the Somali speaking society regardless the place of origin. Late Abdillahi was a charismatic quality person and becoming charismatic involves paying careful attention to how you interact with other people; the traits that make up charisma are positive and appealing to others.  The charismatic quality person uses their skills to get people on their side, perhaps from a professional, ideological point of view. Charisma has two senses namely compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others. Charisma is a set of behaviours that have nothing to do with physical beauty. To my understanding Abdillahi married Adaiya Karshe whom he had four children with her namely Rukiyo Karshe, Safiyo Karshe, Anab Karshe and Mahad Karshe. I am not aware if all the four are still at present, but I do remember that one of sons died in car accident while on working visit in Nigeria accompanying wabari band who on those days performing an event in Nigeria.

In addition to the above, Abdillahi was a person of high good character and that is made him to be admired by all Somali alike. Character is like a tree and reputation like a shadow. The shadow is what we think of it; the tree is the real thing. Character is doing the right thing when nobody’s looking. There are too many people who think that the only thing that’s right is to get by, and the only thing that’s wrong is to get caught. Character is a diamond that scratches every other stone. Character is the real foundation of all worthwhile success. Character and personal force are the only investments that are worth anything. Late Abdillahi was a role model on his work and role people play prominent role in our lives and can determine how far you can go and the way act in normal life. Finally his role as a role model has taught generation how to excel in the role of distinction. In conclusion, if we call the work of good artist as master piece, similarly the late Abdullah is a person whose name will be remembered for the generations to come.I am convinced should anyone read this article about the late Qarshe will certainly remind him/her good memories about Abdillahi.  I am sure that late Abdallahi has other qualities which possibly ten time more than what detailed in the above.

ismail Lugweyne.