To: Β Β Β Β Β His Excellent the RT Hon William Hague
Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
King Charles Street
London SW1A 2AHΒ Β Β
Telephone: 020 7008 1500
Generic Email format:
Twitter: @WilliamJHague
Date: 09/02/2013
Subject: Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Democratically elected government led H.E Ahmed Mohamed Mohomoud βSiilaanyoβ is the only one that represents the interests and wishes of the people of Somaliland.
Dear Minister, Β Β
We, the undersigned, the pro-democratic movement in Somaliland, comprisingΒ non-state actors, professional groups, university students, human rights and civil society organizations, operating under several non-governmental national level umbrellas and networks wish to express our gratitude to the people and government of the United Kingdom for their lions share in support towards developing our countryβs education, health, security, livelihoods and democratization process for the last 20 years.
Your Excellency, The Republic of Somaliland is a free and peace-loving state, and its democratically elected government led H.E Ahmed Mohamed Mohomoud βSiilaanyoβ is the only one that represents the interests and wishes of the people of Somaliland.
In view of this fact we wish to inform that the people of Somaliland are against the on-going trend where an undemocratic elected president of the neighbouring Somalia is undertaking negotiations and speaking on their behalf.
Minister, Somaliland though unrecognized internationally is a sovereign nation that pulled out of its fateful union with Somalia, a union it entered after your government granted independence on 26th June 1960,Β as you are aware the democratization process that has ensued in Somaliland over the years has not only facilitated the availability of a government led by an elected head of state but has become a good example of democratic principles within Africa and the Islamic world.
The elected presidents have further enable the country to secure its boarders, ensure the safety of its citizens but has also enable the active participation of somaliland in international efforts to eliminate terrorism and piracy in the Horn region. This has been accomplished with the assistance and partnership with neighbouring governments of Djibouti, Ethiopia and Yemen as well as with various international governments and organizations.
The enactment by parliament of various bills that has legalized the governmentβs involvement in stabilizing the Horn of Africa region is testimony to the commitment of the 4.5 million Somalilanders towards sustaining peace, security as well as the democratic principles.
To this effect, Honourable Minister, the Somaliland Civil Society and Human Rights groups wish to inform that only the elected President of Somaliland H.E Ahmed Mohamed Mahmud Silanyo has the official mandate to represent the people at international Negotiations.
In view of this fact we wish to inform that the people of Somaliland are against the on-going trend where an unelected president of the neighbouring Somalia is undertaking negotiations and speaking on their behalf.
Minister, Somaliland though unrecognized internationally is a sovereign nation that pulled out of its fateful union with Somalia, a union it entered after your government granted independence on 26th June 1960.
On the other hand the pro-democratic civil society movement in Somaliland including human rights groups are saddened by the recent travel ban and poor security alert for Somaliland issued by your ministry which we believe is not factual considering the evidence on the ground.
Despite its negative impact internationally, the alert is an extra vigilance wake up call for our government as related to its protection of expatriates, citizens and deterrence against terrorists.
Your Excellency, we urge the international community and more specifically the United Kingdom to continue their support to our country and accord it the respect and dignity it deserves.
Finally, we wish to inform the world that the people of Somaliland have full confidence in their elected president H.E Ahmed Mohamed Mahmud Silanyo and his administration.
Sincerely yours,
CC: Hon Ban Ki Moon, UN General Secretary, New York
CC: Mr John Kerry
Secretary of state, US State Department, Washington DC
Possible signatories list if you donβt want to sing this petition simply please deletes the name of your organisation
- University of Hargeisa
- University of Camuud
- Admas University
- New Generation Universtiy
- Golis University
- Agriculture Development Organization (ADO)
- Alkownin Women Voluntary Organization (ALKOWNIN)
- Agriculture Rehabilitation and Women in Development Org. (ARWO)
- Association for the Somaliland Women’s Advancement (ASWA)
- Aw Barkhadle Women Development Organization (AWDO)
- Ayaan Women’s Development Association (AYAAN)
- Barwaaqo Lakulan Women Association (BAKWA)
- Barwaqo Voluntary Organization (BVO)
- Candlelight for Health and Education (CLHE)
- Committee for Concerned Somalis (CCS)
- Dareen Rural Relief & Development (DAREEN)
- Dulmar for Women’s Development Advocacy and Peace (DULMAR)
- Female-Headed Households Association (FEDHA)
- Hanad Women’s Welfare Association (HWWA)
- Hargeisa Voluntary Youth Committee (HAVAYOCO)
- Hargeisa Women’s Group (HAWO-GROUP)
- Hargeisa Women on Focus Organization (HAWFO)
- Mother Land Rescue Group (MRG)
- Lama-Huraan Women’s Association (LMWA)
- Somaliland Women’s organization (SOLWO)
- Somaliland War Widow Organization (SWWO)
- Somaliland Women’s Development Association (SOWDA)
- Somaliland Women’s Research and Action Group (SOWRAG)
- Somaliland for Progress, Advocacy and Peace (SOWPO)
- Somaliland Young Women’s Association (SOYWA)
- Tawakal Women & Children’s Organization (TAWAKAL)
- Voluntary National Youth Organization (VONYO)
- Women’s Action for Advocacy and Development Association (WADA)
- Women’s Rehabilitation and Development Association (WORDA)
- Women Inter-Action Group (WIAG)
- Women’s Action Advocacy and Progress Organization (WAAPO)
- Somaliland Youth Voluntary Organisation (SOYVO)Β Β Β Togdheer
- Barako Women Organisation (BARAKO)Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Togdheer
- Unita Togdheer Women Umbrella (UNITA)Β Β Β Β Β Β Togdheer
- Togdheer Youth Vouluntary Org. (TOGOYOVO)Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Togdheer
- Naaso-Hablood Handicap Association(NAHA)Β Hargeisa
- Daami Youth Development Organsation (DAYDO)Β Β Β Β Β Β Hargeisa
- Welfare Tumaal Organisation (WAAB )Β Hageisa
- Tumaal Development Foundation (TDFΒ Β Hargeisa
- Women Minority Organization (ISIR)Β Β Β Β Hargeisa
- Voice Of Somaliland Minority Women Organisation (VOSOMWO)Β Β Β Β Hargeisa
- Somaliland Culture and Sport Association Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Hargeisa
- Somaliland Youth Development Asso. (SOYDA)Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Hargeisa
- Health and EducationΒ (HEAL)Β Β Hargeisa
- Somaliland Journalist Association Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Hargeisa
- Community concern Somalis (CCS)Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Hargeisa
- Horn of Africa Human Rights Watch Committee (HORNWATCH)
- Somaliland Civic Forum Β Hargeisa
- SOMALILAND National Youth OrganisationΒ Hargeisa
- Somali Rights WatchΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Hargeisa
- Women and child Handicap org HANΒ Β Β Β Hargeisa
- Saaxil Handicap Organisation (SHO)Β Β Β Β Β Β Berbera
- M AND MΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Berbera
- ALXANAAN women organisation Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Berbera
- General AVOΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Berbera
- VAYS Youth OrgΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Berbera
- BILAN Women OrganisationΒ Β Β Β Β Berbera
- MOON LIGHT Girl OrganisationΒ Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Borama
- Somaliland Human Rights Ass. (SOHURA)Β Β Β Β Β Β Borama
- ACARO Youth orgnastiaon Β Β Β Β Β Β Β Borama
- Somaliland National Disabality Forum Β Β Β Hargeisa
- Aids Control and Awareness Raising Organization – (ACARO)
- Amoud University Student Union –
- All-Somaliland Society Awareness League –Β (Assal)
- CommunityΒ Rehabilitation Association (CRA)
- Dallo Youth Development OrganizationΒ – DAYDO
- Disability Children Association – DCA
- Hargeisa Youth Development Association – HYDA
- Horseed Youth Association – Horseed
- Laas-anod Youth Voluntary OrganizationΒ – LAYVO
- Moonlight girls Association – Moonlight
- SAYS Youth Association – SAYS
- Somaliland Association for Youth Salvation – SCYVO
- Somaliland Culture and Sport Association – SOCSA
- Somaliland Progress Youth Association – SOPYA
- Somaliland Youth Development Association – SOYDA
- Somaliland Youth Salvation and Training Organization – SYSTO
- Somaliland Youth SocietyΒ – SYS Hargeisa
- Somaliland Youth Society – SYS Burao
- Somaliland Youth Voluntary Association – SOYVO
- Teacher Training College Student – TTCSC
- University of Hargeisa Student Union
- UoH-Student Union
- VitinaryΒ Agre-culture Development Committee- VADCO
- Voluntary Of National Youth Organization – VONYO
- Youth Coalition Development – YCD
- Youth Volunteers of Development and Environmental Care
- Organization – YOVENCO
- Somaliland EducationΒ Development Organziation – SEDO
- Youth Edcuation Saftey Development Organizaiton – YESDO
- UBAH Social Development Youth Organization – USWO
- Somaliland Environment Youth Organization β SEYO
- Somaliland Handicap Association SHA
- Comprehensive CBR in Somaliland CCBRS
- Nasa-Hablod Handicap Association NAHA
- Hargeisa Youth Development Association HADYA
- Hargeisa Deaf School HDS
- Activist Network for Disabled Persons ANDP
- Orthohope Rehabilitation Center ORC
- Disability Action Network DAN
- Hargeisa School For Special Needs HSSN
- Disabled Women Organization and children HAN
- Horn Afrique Youth Voluntary Committee HAVOYOCO
- Disabled Children Association
- Hargeisa Handicap Association
- Tawakal Womenβs Association
- Albustan Handicap Association
- Hargeisa Handicap Women
- Somaliland Blind Society
- Youth Development Disability Organization
- Somaliland Red Crescent Society
- Negaad Women Umbrella
- Somaliland Youth Umbrella
- Borama Deaf and Blind School
- Sahil Handicap Organization
- Tawakal Lifeline Organization
- Erigavo Handicap Organization
- Las-anod Handicap Association
- Nofen
- Muruq iyo Maskax
- Sungo
- Maan
- Somran
- Kulmis
- Sahan
- Nafis Network
- Vonyo
- Unita umbrella
- Sonyo
- Nagaad
- Awdal CPN
- Horn Peace
- Jubba Airways
- Light Industry
- Daallo Airline
- Nawbo
- Hospitality Industry
- Dahabshiil
- Telesom
- Arecsmed
- University of Buroa
- Sanaag University
- Media Group
- Fopag
- Solla
- Berbera University
- Nugaal University
- Wanaag Farista