Ethiopian Airlines suspends Somaliland flights citing poor infrastructure


Ethiopian airlinesAddis Ababa (SLpost)- Ethiopian Airlines has suspended its services to the Somaliland towns of Berbera and Hargeisa owing to sub-standard infrastructure.

Flights between Addis Ababa and the capital of Somaliland, Hargeisa, were only recently resumed after an extensive USD 4 million upgrade to the airport’s runway and facilities, funded by the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development and carried out by local Mirror Company imitating as China’s Hono Group, which was established during the initiation of Hargeisa Airport upgrade.

The quality of work done to Hargeysa Airport runway has allegedly proven substandard owing to corruption allegations resulting in Ethiopian suspending its flights.

During Hargeisa’s closure, Ethiopian had moved its operations to Berbera, site of a former Soviet air base, but there too, flights have now also been suspended. A disagreement over which airports would be served is understood to have arisen resulting in the suspension of flights to both towns.