Comparing The Current Leadership Style Of Our President With Rational Leadership Style


Mustafe-Haji-Farah-WarsameFirst of all, I am interesting to thank our vigilant citizens who always ready to work together with our government, unite and keep the security of our nation. They are really our police and good taxpayers but they lack what we call good governance and a government that caring and serving for them. The effort of our citizens was mismanaged and corrupted by the current ruling party or group who can be called elite group, who simply going to secure their positions through any means they can in safe.

The way a team plays as a whole determines its success. You may have the greatest bunch of individual stars in the world, but if they don’t play together, the club won’t be worth a dime

By: Babe Ruth

Within this article, I would like to emphasize and share with my audiences some points about the good leader behavior that were argued by different scholars from various countries by comparing with my little experience and understanding of our governing context, in particularly the current leadership style of our president His excellence: Ahmed Silanyo, here in Somaliland.

The main factors of good leader behavior that I am going to discuss are the proactive, flexibility, good communicator, respective, confidence, enthusiastic, open-minded, resourceful, reward, education, change, feedback, evaluative, organized, consistence and imitativeness which are considered to have and apply every leader on this world.

What is leadership?

By defining, what is leadership? Leadership is the ability to lead, on other words. Leadership is the ability to guide, direct, or influence people. Therefore, we have understood from this definition that leadership is the ability to lead or guide a defined people or the society in your jurisdiction/ means in your administration. In addition, leader can be defined the person who leads or guides a particular people. Leadership views as theoretical is different, but in this article I am not going to discuss in detail my intention is the factors that affect the rational way that leader  behaves by comparing the way our leader guides us.

In order the readers understand what the government is established, Let me introduce the common functions of any government, before touching the main body of my article that I am going to discuss. The core duty of government is to:

  1. Represent the people within its jurisdiction in every aspect
  2. Provide the public service or public goods needed by its citizens, e.g, Health, education, water, etc.
  3. Keep the rights of the citizens; in particular those have no power to influence the public policy making process of the country.
  4. Allocate resources among its citizens, regions, districts bykeeping the equity and fairness of among its people.
  5. Defend and keep the general security of the nation from any foreign invasion.
  6. Formulate a judiciary system which is fair and impartial for the citizens
  7. Forcing and implementing the policies of the state to the citizens, etc.

These are some of the functions that government ought to do for the people, but we cannot complete in here the obligations of the government for its citizens. Therefore, let us proceed to the intention of this article.

  1. Proactive vs. Reactive: The exceptional leader is always thinking three steps ahead. Working to master his environment with the goal of avoiding problems before they arise, According to this, the leader should think what will happen and try to be alert the coming problems or issues.

Really, our president is not proactive man in this time whatever the reason is, Let alone thinking three steps ahead, even he is unaware of the problems that hadexisted about two years or more than two years. This is the mastermind behind his less or non-existence reactions to the everyday problems facing Somaliland citizens that hindered the development of the country, to be proactive even is very important to some issues like the security of the nation. 

  1. Flexible/Adaptable: How do you handle yourself in unexpected or uncomfortable situations?  An effective leader will adapt to new surroundings and situations, doing his best to adjust. Therefore, the effective leader should be awake, flexible by reacting everything that is possible to harm or prospect the people he/she is going to lead.

The country encountered a number of uncomfortable situations during Kulmiye’s rule, we are familiar with how these conditions were handled. Let us take an example for the recent case of Somaliland House of Representative and the role that Silanyo and his colleague played for this issue.

Flexibility is to handle like the recent case of parliament wisely, but, what happened is that the president to fuel the problem instead of solving. In fact, he closed the building of the parliament by commanding the presidential military guards to block every junction of the parliament hall. In addition, the executive arrested a number of elected parliament members who have an immunity given by the constitution of the country. Obviously, this was shame to the whole nation and the president’s way of leading to his people.

  1. A Good Communicator:As a leader, one must listen…a lot!  You must be willing to work to understand the needs and desires of others. A good leader asks many questions, considers all options, and leads in the right direction. The good leader should try to get a real information from his/her followers in order to handle their complaints, not to listen only small interest group who are simply going to increase their prestigious and wealth.

By taking into account a good communicator with our context. I believe that we would be very successful nation, if our leaders willing to work to understand the needs and desires of the community. It is clear that this issue was neglected by all Somaliland government officials, in particular the current ruling party led by president Silanyo.

The result of lacking a good communicator for this fragile nation can be applied the unforeseen issue that is heard from the one of the most populous Sultan of Somaliland, SultanWeber from Borama region which influenced most of the residents of Borama region that can have a negative impact on the sovereignty and unity of our people. The root cause of this matter was that because the president did not take into consideration the elder’s complaint from Borama which was easy to handle for the very beginning but we are witnesses the scope it reached.

  1. Respectful: If you are going to be respected by the others, first you should respect others. Treating others with respect will ultimately earn respect.

I cannot judge that our president is disrespectful, because this a leadership factor that much close to the personality of the leader. Therefore, I did not meet with the president Silanyo and how he is respectful might need further investigation to come to the realty. So, I will leave this point for the readers of the article to evaluate it.

  1. Quiet Confidence: Be sure of yourself with humble intentions. This means any actions that leader wishes to take should with confidence and talent, without confidence your decision might be vulnerable to be interfered by other individuals.

In line with the confidence, fact is that there no strong confidence that our president, Ahmed showed during his days of chairing. This can be realized from the direction of the country’s policies and power of decision making which really was took over by other group who are more powerful and influential than the elected president. It seems that the most decrees from the Somaliland presidential place, like nominations, changing positions etc, were dominated and involved by other individuals rather president Silanyo.

  1. Open-Minded: Work to consider all options when making decisions. A strong leader will evaluate the input from all interested parties and work for the betterment of the whole. A good leader compares all alternatives while dealing with the issue on concern, but does not take it easily.

This is what all our governing system lacks started from the day we declared our independence, 18 may 1991. As usual, one of most important policy making process is policy evaluation, which comes after the policy implementation. Policy evaluation is to evaluate the effectiveness of policy or program that is ongoing, in this stage it should be measured the input of the program with its output, whether the policy achieved its intended objectives or not, if not achieved what steps can be taken or alternatives that can be taken. All in all, this issue needs policy experts to be involved and all subsequent Somaliland governments lacked it. 

  1. Resourceful: Utilize the resources available to you. If you don’t know the answer to something find out by asking questions. A leader must create access to information. An effective leader does no exaggerate any resource which is not attainable but allocates the resources that are based on reality.

The consequence for overestimating or underestimating the national budget is very danger to the economic and social stability of the nation. For the very begging, this starts from the baseless expectations of national budget stream that was not formulated as a professional standard but simply put in the agenda implicitly. This always needs the involvement of experts who conduct a preliminary analysis before the adoption of the budget.

In Somaliland, often, our national resources like national budget and other available resources are either understated or overstated; this is indicating the weakness of the government.

  1. Rewarding: An exceptional leader will recognize the efforts of others and reinforce those actions. We all enjoy being recognized for our actions. This means there should be motivations and promotions from the result of personal talents and activities as well as, fines, sanctions etc.
  2. Well Educated: Knowledge is power. Work to be well educated on community policies, procedures, organizational norms, etc. Further, your knowledge of issues and information will only increase your success in leading others.

According to education, in fact, president Silanyo is well-educated leader who has knowledge in one of the most important fields of education, Economy. In the Somaliland past days, when he was  Somaliland Minister of Finance he really used his knowledge and experience for the economic sector, because Silanyo is one who put the foundation that national budget framework that is in use up to the present day.

  1. Open to Change: A leader will take into account all points of view and will be willing to change a policy, program, cultural tradition that is out-dated, or no longer beneficial to the group as a whole.


  1. Interested in Feedback: How do people feel about your leadership skill set?  How can you improve?  These are important questions that a leader needs to constantly ask the chapter. View feedback as a gift to improve.

This is what the Silany’s ruling party failed, the question is the president aware of what is going on the country, if yes, why he is ignoring the repeating problems that can he solve. This is actually in doubtful, many politicians criticize that the president is turning deaf ears from what is happening in the country and he is behind the game. While other politicians claim that the power is not on the hand of the president, but rather, on other group who has no enough experience to the political arena is playing the game. Whatever is the reason; this is an issue that is not in functioning.

  1. Evaluative: Evaluation of events and programs is essential for an organization/group to improve and progress. An exceptional leader will constantly evaluate and change programs and policies that are not working.
  2. Organized: Are you prepared for meetings, presentations, events and confident that people around you are prepared and organized as well?
  3. Consistent: Confidence and respect cannot be attained without your leadership being consistent. People must have confidence that their opinions and thoughts will be heard and taken into consideration.
  4. Delegator: An exceptional leader realizes that he/she cannot accomplish everything on his own. A leader will know the talents and interests of people around him/her, thus delegating tasks accordingly.
  5. Initiative: A leader should work to be the motivator, an initiator. He/she must be a key element in the planning and implementing of new ideas, programs, policies, events, etc.

Alice Walker

Nobody is more powerful as we make them out to be. 

Last but not least. As Somaliland citizen I really wrote this article because I felt that to contribute to my country, to correct the system of governance of my government. I see this positive thinking, by realizing my obligation as Somallilandcitizen and also I believe this issue begs for further clarifications from the other Somaliland citizens who thinking ideally for the development of their country, my right for freedom of speech, perception and view is what I acquired in nature to measure.

I believe that this article will be recommendation for my leaders, specially for my current president, we have note that this is my personal opinion, I am not here to blame someone but this really corrections that might be either wrong or right. Because, there are so many Somaliland scholars who have more experience than me according to the Somaliland governing system.

To be continued next week…….. Highlighting the political mess in eastern parts of the country,

Khatumo’s influence (Anti Somaliland sovereignty Rebellion),Puntland interference,Oil Contracts and so many other valuable issues. Insha’allah……… Please keep us stayed.

Thank you for your time

By: Eng: Mustafe Farah Warsame

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Social Promotion Activist and Free Somaliland Resource Protection Group Member.

Ainabo-Somaliland, Sarar Region.