Yesterday; if it was a right decision to fight with a brutal dictator. Why not today? The young people are ready to find a better future. As it was applied force by seeking what every generation have fought in their history. I would like to share with you a story of one boy who have a battle with his hope. But, this trauma affects all of us in every angle of our life. ‘Hope’ is the only reason that one lives with. Hope is once called the bread of a poor man. Every boy fed his lifetime as a food for ever. Anybody can’t take his dreams away from him. If it’s done; at that time it could be self suicide. He tries either by trafficking some risks or terrorizing the human being at large.
A boy who was born in a time of Somali state collapse; a period of crises. Who grow-up and learn in a bitter experience from a harsh circumstances of life. He had a complex attitude; but, easy-going in appearance. Although, young in years; but, was old in defendable practices which claims failures of his life. He had not a morally fit to stay here; while his mind flit away to abroad and yet, his body remains alone with him. Active lines of the mind are related in loosely way, then, he is passive all of his time. Although, he hates in his own place, but, nothing is better than in his home.
Sleeping with a long non-stopping hours. Always, he wakes-up later, when the tides of the sea are out of sight. He pick-up the phone in order to select numbers, so as to call familiar persons by asking them a small amount of money. If they allow him, he uses for backing his chewing hobbies. If they don’t; he asks them, a distant relative or friends. During the daytime and even late in the night, he eats Khat, in order to change the politics on the ground; but, he can never avoid to prevent his pain. At addictive to narcotics can also never help for him to escape in the body, though it may be in the spirit. ‘mijin’ iyo ‘Majlis’ are the two entertaining activities beyond the limits of his ability of ‘mind’ and ‘muscle’. He tries to say the unsaying part of every story on the table. He thought the unthinkable pieces beyond the senses or above the imagination. In all its raw emotional and intellectual chaos. The end justifies the means; though, he preaches more powerful words, yet, silent in practice. He expects peace in mind!.
Only, the wind and wave make a full shape of decorating the battle between Evil and Good. Each corner of his room shows us signs of weakness. Because, all the walls around him are dirty either by charcoal drawing or spider networks. The negative thinking in his heart, only not the weapon of his self destruction; but, also the people in close proximity to him. He began to have suspicions of the newcomers in his house. Even, he had doubts about himself. This is a way that leads his will to a dialectical tone of being either a winner or loser in the first place of such situations of uncertainty. He is indecisive to epoch-making life pressures. He made a plea mercy; intentions for malice to none.
Can hope alive in a dark container within a heart of despair? This brave boy has a strong sense of believe, he supposes to triumph over the dark itself by turning easily into full of light. Lest than his personal trust, he didn’t act in a single action to do so. These emotional divergences has arrive at no where to him, except for idle behaviors. He asks himself many questions upon how one can rely on a theoretical view, which doesn’t put into practical tests. Only they exist in a dream form by his head. This imagination has never come true in the real world.
Every day, as it is a new face. The sun rises and till never changes one’s soul. But, it offers opportunities and new hopes awaiting with him. Be ready to direct your spirits to do good things. Maintain usual prayers so as to heal all your ills. Read the noble Quran so as to learn your ultimate goal in life and to purify your heart defects. Future success depends upon how to invest your time and talent appropriately. Todays image determines the picture of tomorrow. Walk and work at the time you have a definitive purpose and clear destinations of life. By the way of concluding this small article, be optimistic when hardships are getting harder. This verse tells us; the power of patience. ‘’ Verily, along with every hardship is a relief (i.e. There is one hardship with two reliefs, so one hardship cannot overcome two reliefs)’’ (Surah Ash-Sharh 94:6)
Abdirahman Osman Coomay
BBA, MBA-candidate
Email: abdiosman9@yahoo.com