Aadan-Siiro: The prominent Religious and Social leader laid to Rest in State funeral


Sheikh Aden Haji Mohamoud aka Aden-Siro, a prominent religious and social leader, has been laid to rest on Sunday at State Funeral. ‏

Sheikh Aden-Siiro passed away in an Indian hospital after medical failure, leaving behind a rich legacy of outstanding social and religious efforts in the last 30 years.

The State funeral, among the largest gatherings ever, was attended by Somaliland’s president Muse Bihi Abdi, cabinet members, leaders of the three political parties, Parliamentarians, Elders, religious clerics, community leaders, members of the public and large part of Hargeisa city residents.

The president of Somaliland H.E Musa Bihi Abdi led the country to mourn the passing of the late Sheikh Adam Haji Mohamoud. The head of state and members of his government paid tribute to the late cleric for his goodwill activities of charity to the people of Somaliland.

“I pray to Almighty Allah to grant him the best abode in paradise and to shower his immediate and extended families with patience and faith during this trying period of sorry,” said president Bihi speaking at the Baqiic Cemetery located on the northern outskirts of the capital.

The president admitted Sheikh Adan-Siiro’s great personality and support for the less fortunate within the society. “He was the one who pioneered this cemetery today we are burying him and many other goodwill projects. May Almighty All-Powerful Allah accepts and reward him for his good endeavours.” said president Bihi.

The late Aadan-Siiro, Imam of Alquba Mosque in Hargeisa, was very conversant with the teaching of the history of our prophet Muhammad PBUH and that is where his famous name ‘Adam Siiro’ originates.

The late cleric was well-known for his social development activities and helping the poor by donating his own fortune or organizing fundraising events.


Report by Somalilandpost and agencies