Somalia and the outcome of the London Conference: “Trust Ship” or transition to Democracy


Somalis should understand and admit the facts as they are in the real life. The fact is that the history of the past 52 years has been made in the way that we (as Somalis) had acted. And the current events are only an outcome of that history.  The actual fact of today’s situation is a direct result of the grave mistake we had been committing since, and an answer of the accumulated misdeeds and crimes made by the different generations of our leaders, plus the naivety and innocence of the common men and women in the Somali Society in general.

However, it is a serious mistake to attribute false impression to Somalis which was repeatedly mentioned and sometimes taken for granted that the Somali weaknesses are related to biological fixed drawbacks, and Somalis are sub-humans, or at least, less than modern humans. And therefore, they have got “the type of leadership they deserved”.

In contrast to this opinion, it is generally a known fact that Somalis are one of the most intelligent people in the world. But Natural intelligence is one thing, and civilization is something else (a long and accumulated experience of statehood), which obviously we lack.

These weaknesses and drawbacks are due to the historical stage of development that the Somali society is traversing, a society in transition from clan-ethnic centered communities to    nationhood, “Colonialism accelerated what had been an embryonic nation”.

The corrupt Italian style administrations, from 1960-1991 reproduced a world of its own shape, the Somalia state elite, who were equipped with ‘Greater Somalia’ rhetoric antagonizing the neighboring countries with and by their territorial claims, and turned the sub-region of the Horn of Africa into an ethnic based war zone.

Unfortunately, the alternative option has become much worse, when this was followed by the rise of Islamic Radicalism with their war economy and with sadist Global ideology for establishing an Islamic Emirate in the Horn region. This has antagonized the whole world; Export of terrorism and piracy as a by-product of the unwarranted civil war they were continuously waging against the Somali people.

As a result of these two ideological rhetoric slogans “Islamism” and “Irredentism”, and their tragic consequence, Somalia became an enemy to itself as well as to the whole world. Consequently, Terrorism and piracy became soubriquet attributed to contemporary Somalis.

The London Conference, hitherto, the last of a countless conferences held outside of the country, is like the previous ones, a one more attempt, the aim of which is to limit the damage of Terrorism and Piracy. However, one should not rule out, the fact that the London Conference is also an attempt to search an exit out of the Somali quagmire. Expectedly, because this conference is taking place in a time when peoples on our earth have reached well founded conclusion that the current Somali politicians, both Islamists and clannish elite can no more deliver anything positive vis-à-vis solutions to the crisis, but more troubles to the world and more plights to their people.

The Roadmap manufactured in Kampala, legalized in Mogadisu and finalized in Garowe is only a result of the conviction that there should be an international approach to the Somali question, the “sick man of Africa”. But unlike Turkey in 1920s, Somalia has no credible leader like  Kamal Ataturk.

And therefore, they deserve to be ruled by the world community. The London Conference is a clear confirmation of the fact that the International Community is moving to this direction. And it is a positive step taken toward the only option open to them. The military tasks has already been given to the AMISOM, and political to UN, the financial issue will inevitably be run by an independent body since there is no other way to set a credible financial system for TFGs.

This will temporarily put Somalia in a better shape, and pave the way to a future peaceful and democratic Somalia and will put it on a better pathway than what previously has been the case. The African and International Community will try to defeat the Shabaab militarily but they can’t defeat them ideologically unless they are defeated internally. This can even aggravate the problem by making the Islamists more popular and ultimate alignment with the clannish elite. Even so, in totality, the London conference is a positive pace and a move towards transition to peace, stability and democratization, provided that its final goal is a long term comprehensive and visionary solution of the Somali question through which the Somali people themselves are engaged as real actors in the process, and not only the UN bureaucracy.

Somaliland and the London Conference

Somaliland is, to the democratic Consciousness which drives the mental and physical behavior of the civilized humans, both inside and abroad, a new type of state different from the previously led by the corrupt and clannish ruling elite 1960-1991, as well as  the Radical Islamic Emirate which ferments in the minds of the Jihadist section of the Islamists. Somaliland stands for consolidation of peace, stability of the region and the world at large. It is the first Somali polity that openly and loudly renounces territorial claims to any of the neighboring states. It is the only Islamic state in the region with true democratic institutions based on political system founded on free and fair popular elections with truly a modern constitution where the power belongs to the people, with free media and market economy.

Somaliland has, therefore, a strong base for further progress and potentially viable economic prosperous, capable to play a positive role in a step-by-step economic and political process of reintegration in a democratic Somali society within, and only, within a larger Horn of African integration process (sort of federation or confederation prospect) which Somaliland’s renunciation of territorial claims on the region’s states paved the way to the possibility of its realization, and which is a great dream of many generations of the peoples in the region.

Now, with the conclusion of the London Conference with clear vision for a transitional period for Somalia with paying attention to a more coordinated effort to defeating extremism and piracy infrastructures in side Somalia. And supporting Somaliland’s endeavors to enhance its achievements is an important positive step taken to the right direction.

 Therefore, there is a need for the Somaliland government and for President A.M.Silanyo to focus, first, on the internal front taking into consideration the global wisdom that “the best foreign policy is the internal policy”. In this regard, there is a crucial need to put the vision before the Wagon of daily tactics, to put the national strategy before individual, clan, and party interests.

The vision to building democratic and modern state institutions, in the Somaliland context, should take the following paradigm:

  • The institutional building in a traditional society, where political parties and one-man-one-vote and Majority Rule alone can’t work, and therefore, the traditional mechanism of conflict resolution and resource management is necessarily the right direction to follow.
  • Separation of powers, not on paper but in the real practice should be the rule and the exception.
  • Clear demarcation line should be made between the state, family and clan affairs.
  • All signs of corruption, favorism and nepotism should be put to an end. Shorter than such a stand will destroy the name of the president and his government and thus, his moral and material legitimacy.
  • Nation Building should be based on strong nationalism over and above clanism. An independent, highly educated and experienced bureaucracy, professional and technocrats as a base of the state establishment are necessary, not only, for the economic development but also for a National Strategy for the modernization of the country. Lack of this will make the country a hostage for brokers, comparators and clannish opportunists, and thus, the dead end of the state will soon appear as real possibility.
  • Fair power and resources sharing is the heart and soul of Somaliland’s existence. Gadabursi and Harti Have, hitherto, been marginalized particularly since Kulmiye government came to power. The question is how on earth, the all main posts be occupied by Issaqis (the president, chairmen of the two House of the Parliament, Ministers of Foreign and Interior, Commanders of the Army and Police. Lacking a fair balance in this regard will reduce Somaliland into an Issaq land.
  • The conflict in the East should be solved peacefully and through dialogue and negotiation. Security approach to the conflict did fail in all countries with internal conflict, and thus military solution should be ruled out. And reconciliation should be based on Traditional Mechanism of Conflict Resolution, Government should also take a major role in the process in showing longing to accommodating the Dulbahante’s Garads and outside actors of Dulbahante politicians.
  • President A. M. Silanyo should seek advices from knowledgeable and experienced personalities, not only amongst Intellectuals but also traditional personalities, people like Haji Abdiwarabe, for instance. The President Should immediately form a think-tang group comprising of sincere, truthful, honest and dedicated Intellectuals, who could be ready to volunteer and work without payments. No president in the world who does not have some of the most brilliant intellectual personalities in his country as close consultants, the reason is so obvious because is the science that rules the modern world. The President must realize the need to the local, regional and world events, analyzed and summarized by a group of experts on his desk every morning, without which he can’t prioritize his tasks as the supreme leader of the country, this simply means that there is no other way to run the country’s affairs properly. That is what all leaders of the world usually do in these modern times.
  • There is a crucial need for the President to show much more tolerance. Criticism is a sign of healthiness in a democratic society, and lack of tolerances is a sign of a dangerous disease. In a democratic society, the media is a matter of motive-force of democracy and it is both opinion maker and part of the check-and-balance process.

By Adam Muse Jibril