Somaliland Celebrates For Real – By Mohammed Ali Muuse


Maxamed Cali MuuseSomaliland got its independence twice. It gained its first Independence from Britain on Sunday, June 26, 1960. Unfortunately Somaliland lost that independence on Friday, July 1st, 1960 in the name of unity without a price tag. Somaliland has paid a heavy price by giving away its most deserved independence without any negotiation on the future of Somaliland and its share in the executive and legislative powers. The political leaders and elders from Somaliland were drunk with the independence, the undisputed authority, and the unchallenged political opportunity at that time. Though some of them, Like Egal, made a difference in Somaliland, those people had no other ambitions except their unwarranted pride and selfishness for securing higher positions in the Somali Governments. They gave all Somaliland rights and freedoms without knowing the high stakes involved in the unification.  The celebration of our independence from Britain did not last long but faded away within four days only.

 Somaliland has paid a very expensive price as the result of the unification. Those ambitious politicians and elders did not look back but assimilated in the South. Somaliland paid the price in instalments. The first portion of that instalment was not in onetime payment but distributed over many years. The first instalment was brain drain – all intellectuals and learned individuals were transferred from Somaliland to the South and instead Somaliland got legionaries of a punch of brainless and brutal killers, rapists, and thieves. Secondly, Somaliland was hit hard and its business people were deprived of their rights to import and export commodities and getting licences within Somaliland cities and seaports. The business people had no choice and moved to Mogadisho with less dignity and pride. The third price and the most costly one was losing lives through imprisonment, torture, rape, killing, stealing, and destruction of properties and most of all human Dignity, Rights, and Freedoms.

Those losses caused the exodus of refugees from Somaliland to Ethiopia. With hanging their lives only, they settled in different parts of Ethiopia.  As a result, Somaliland National Movement (SNM) was formed and turned into a force of armed insurgents. The focus of SNM was save Somaliland from the oppression of the dictator, Syad Barre, and to bring peace to the innocent Somalilanders held hostage in their own country.  The price of that SNM struggle was high and daringly courageous. They fought the occupying force with small arms, sacrificing their lives for the sake of independence. Their struggle has turned into a success afterwards. The success, rights, freedoms, independence, democracy, and most of all peace, all came with a price tag: A lot of innocent lives lost. Although humans never get satisfied, the place Somaliland is in today is envied by many in the world. Peace is upon those who died for that cause whether it is SNM or civilians died in the process.

Now, Somaliland is celebrating and harvesting the hard earned Independence. Celebration is now real and complete this time because Somaliland leaders refused to go on the same road that some of Somalilanders took in 1960. Somalilanders, young and old, should have learned a lot at least in the last 43 years. Somalianders were aliens in the South after unification and remained so till Somaliland realized its independence.  In this year’s celebration, Somaliland has to spread the word and the history of Somaliland and how and why we are here today and refused to go back into the darkness and hell. Those Somalilanders with self interest ambitions and advocating unity must be insane and need to wake up to the reality on the ground and ask themselves what they would gain from the unity and would not get from Somaliland.  Shall we exchange a full house with a few executives and legislatives which would have no political power in Somalia?  Those people who are spreading hate among Somalilanders should come to the table and enjoy their rights and freedoms which can only be found in Somaliland.

Long live Somaliland, down its enemies and Happy Celebration to all Somalilanders at home and abroad.  Let us all work for full inclusion, balanced power-sharing in order to sustain our sovereignty. WITH ALL COMMUNITIES UNITED WE STAND.

By Mohammed Ali  Muuse ( Canada )