WFP commented the status of burned Sugar


WFP, first time issued press release clariffying how it handled affected sugar they brought from Mogadishu.

Susannah Nicol, Public Information Officer of WFP Nairobi issued press release written as follows:

“Your Article titled  refering to the disposal of WFP food contains some details that we would like to clarify in order that your readersship is not left with an inaccurate impression of events that took place.

WFP shiped tha commodities of 120 Metric  tons sugar and 1.6 metric tons of ready-to-use food from Mogadisho to Berbera. regrettably, upon arrival, it was discovered that these commodities hadbeen spoiled. Samples of the food was sent to Kenya for laboratory tests to confirm tha status of the food which was no longer fit for human consumption. WFP’s preverence was for the food to be destroyed in Djibouti, however, when it became apparent that this was not possible, WFP consulted with authorities of Somaliland. In circumstances where if found to be spoiled the correct procedure is to dispose of the food in a safer manner. This was done in full consultation , agreement and coordination with the Somaliland Quality Control Committee (SQCC), the Executive Office of the Hargeisa Minicpality and the Director of Hygeine Department HRG Municpality, the food was burned on 28th August at a location of the Hargeisa Dumbing site undersupervision of the SQCC with WFP Superintendent, a WFP Senior Logistics assistant, and a Transport representative. The burning finished at 10.30 p.m, at which time, ten guards hired by teh SQCC were present to make sure that tyhe site was secured untill the bulldozers completed the job by filling in the pit, which took place the nest morning on 29th August. According to the authorities, there is no evidence to suggest that members of the public have attempted to extract the destroyed commodities from the site. Therefore, at no point during the course of events leading up to teh destruction of the food on August 28th, were the commodities was left unsupervised.It is also totally untrue that the food was ‘dumped’ by WFP officials in Nasa-hablod valley risking harm to the genera;l publi9c. WFP did nor compromise on any issues that would have resulted in a health hazard. Raher the correct procedurewas followede by gaining agreement from the relevant authorities fr the safe disposal of this food.”