PRESS RELEASE: Holding Local Council Election within year 2012 is the backbone of Somaliland Democratization process


On Aug. 6, 2012, SONSAF members, especially Civil Society groups, have met at SONSAF headquarters office to discuss and reflect on issues surrounding the forthcoming Local Council Elections.
Considerable discussions took place as regards the holding of Local Council Elections and the obstacles that may hamper such elections. Consequently, the members of the NSAs have agreed upon the following issues:-
1. We call upon all concerned stakeholders about the importance of holding local council election within year 2012.
2. We urge those responsible for elections to discharge their responsibilities professionally and ethically.
3. We believe that the candidates’ usage of symbols (instead of numbers) can derail the upcoming Local Council elections especially when issues such as funding, timing of the election and technical issues are taken into consideration. Therefore to avoid election postponement and unrest, we suggest that a numbering system be used for the forthcoming local Council elections as per the recommendation of the National Electoral Commission (NEC) – a body that possesses experience and technical know how vis-à-vis elections.
4. It is important that the Government, political parties, political associations and civil society actors ensure that voters are provided with effective voter education program to educate them about the rules and requirements of the election.
5. It is imperative that voters and political parties/associations exercise extreme caution when nominating election candidates whom we do believe shouldn’t be selected on the basis of tribalism or clan but on the basis of knowledge,  experience, honesty, and patriotism.
6. We also recommend that women, minorities and youth be given special considerations and that everything possible be done to allow them to participate in the upcoming Local Council elections.
The meeting was attended by the following SONSAF members