Somaliland Government issues statement on Las Anod Crisis


Hargeisa (SLpost)- The Somaliland government has issued a statement concerning the current crisis in Las Anod, the capital of the Sool region.

The statement says that the government “has facilitated all the available peaceful means” in order to settle the pressing issues with traditional elders currently meeting in Las Anod.

“Those means include face-to-face talks with the government officials in order to avoid misunderstandings that can result in armed conflict and unnecessary bloodshed. As unofficial mediations continue, some anarchist traditional elders presided over the results and waged a war against government military bases in and around Las Anod town,” says that statement.

“High-level government delegates, including Ministers had also been attacked by the armed groups led by high profile terrorist figures recently smuggled by anarchist elders whose motive is to give safe heavens to the wanted terrorists.

The government of the Republic of Somaliland assured that the military had their utmost efforts to avoid any civilian casualties since the terrorists want to have shelter in populous areas in the city.” says the statement.